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Fortgeschrittene effiziente maltodextrin -Maschine mit höchster Qualität

veröffentlichen Zeit: 2022-10-14     Herkunft: Powered

Maltodextrin Project Introduction

Starch milk adjustment: Starch milk from starch workshop is adjusted to DS=28-32%, appropriate PH and temp. Or mix the dry starch and water, then adjust to reach the above conditions into the next section.

Liquefaction: Starch milk is liqueficated with the jet cooker and the aid of liquefaction enzyme. Two times of ejection are needed to get the better liquefaction effect. After liquefaction, the material is sent to the flash tank for cooling, and then to the next section.

Filtration and decolorization: Take the filter to remove the protein and other impurities from the maltodextrin, then enters the decolorization filtration system. Decolorization requires activated carbon at the appropriate temp. After decolorization, the activated carbon will be removed by the filter. Then the filtered maltodextrin is sent to the next section.

Continuous ion exchange: The maltodextrin enters the continuous ion exchange system to remove the mixed impurity ions in the maltodextrin through the cation and anion resin, so as to obtain the pure and high quality maltodextrin.

Evaporation and drying: The refined liquid maltodextrin enters the evaporator system to obtain the required DS value to the dryer system for drying, in order to get the qualified solid maltodextrin powder.

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